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Svendsen vol.3 from Chandos

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 28 February 2013, 08:25

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Alan Howe


Considering I'd just bought the first two volumes (from them aswell, they are en route), this is a must buy for me too, thanks for pointing it out.

I can't access the website, however, their server must be down (it's a 503 error). I'll try them later.


Jansons' version of Svenden's symphonies has been available on EMI for some time, there's Jarvi's recordings on BIS, the Naxos set, and the original Chandos recordings with Dausgaard - all attracting high praise from the reviewers - and there may well be more. There are also plenty of recordings of the Norwegian Rhapsodies and a couple of the Violin Concerto.

So, although I appreciate Svendsen's music, dare I say that I would rather Chandos recorded material which is less readily available? Heaven forbid that we should end up with a dozen recordings of these works, whilst so many by the UCs are completely neglected, including works by Unsung Scandinavians.

My apologies if I have expressed this view before in connection with Chandos's Svendsen series.... it sounded familiar as I typed it. At least I'm consistent! ;D

Alan Howe

How many really fine recordings are there of the VC, though?

Whilst conceding Alan's last point, I want to side with Semloh. I admit to being a sucker for Svendsen, but then there is a good length on my shelves already occupied by Svendsen, and that quantity seems rather out of proportion to his importance as a composer. Sour grump, ain't I? However I shall buy the disc, if only for the Vn Cte (and shame on me for being an obvious 'completist') to keep company with Vols 1 and 2 which are fine discs.

I wonder if it has occurred to Chandos that quite a number of potential purchasers of this disc will buy it, not because they are desperate to acquire some Svendsen (I'd guess the music on the disc is well represented in most record collections), but because they are 'persuaded' to do so on account of strictly non-musical factors (e.g. that they already own Vols 1 and 2, that they're impressed by the quality of Chandos discs, the status of the conductor etc)?

To put the latter somewhat obscure point another way: there is a good market out there for discs of orchestral music conducted by Jarvie and recorded in the customary Chandos house style. If the discs were of lesser known compositions then they'd probably sell in equal numbers. In other words, what will sell the disc is not so much Svendsen but the combination of Jarvie and Chandos, and if the latter devoted themselves to lesser known Norwegian composers then Chandos might succeed in selling such a disc equally well (and wouldn't have tiresome old grumps such as myself muttering things about duplication).

Alan Howe

As I said with regard to vol.2 and the CC, I'll buy vol.3 in the hope of acquiring an absolutely top-notch recording of the lovely VC. In my book, that's money well spent. Anything else will be a bonus.


he's not yet so sung that " well represented in most record collections" is true. In our community, among members of this forum, probably. I can think of people of my acquaintance who are very knowledgeable about classical music and very much fans who if they've heard of Svendsen have heard of him in passing and do not have any in their collections... (it occurs to me belatedly you mean however most collections that have some of Svendsen's music on recording, maybe?)

Alan Howe