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Reinecke Cello Concerto

Started by JimL, Wednesday 06 March 2013, 01:32

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Michael Samis

Thank you so much, Alan. I'm very glad that the beautiful work is singing again - I feel very lucky to be Reinecke's conduit. Where do you write? I am hoping that more people who are excited about unsung music will want to write about it as well!

Alan Howe

I only write here - which is probably fortunate for those who encounter my amateur scribblings.

Kevin Pearson

I really enjoyed this CD and not just the Reineke but every piece on it is worth a listen in my opinion. The production, sound quality and performance are superb!



My thoughts exactly! I have played the entire CD several times since it arrived in my letterbox a few days ago. Once, I think, the word gorgeous is not inappropriate for describing both the music and the playing. It certainly does make one wonder why such a concerto could have been nearly forgotten for so long.


Much gratified at the critical reception so far.  Any word on whether or when Musicweb International puts in their two cents worth?


Not sure what to make of the interview claim that the Reinecke has never been commercially recorded before. A CD with the Reinecke, Raff's first cello concerto, and the Bach/Raff chaconne WoO 39 does seem to have been briefly available (and might still be - here's a review). Is it because that CD was only available privately, not through a regular distributor like Naxos USA (as it is in this case)?


I was wondering about that claim as well, especially as I have that CD. Perhaps it is because of its comparatively limited distribution that it somehow eluded people - but it was mentioned here, I believe. It is still available: [/]


Eh, would hardly be the first time a recording claimed "world premiere" when it wasn't. I mean, there's even a recording of Ravel's La Parade that claims to be a world premiere when it was actually recorded by Naxos of all labels, though way back in 1994.
It's like with the word "complete", which is lead into by this example -- no other Ravel piano set has this piece. And don't even get me started on "complete works" sets of composers...
It's marketing speak and often can be 'justified'. In the case of this Reineke, because it was "private"....I've seen cases where a company would transfer an LP under the European 50 year rule and a later release would claim it's the first release because they have the legal permission. Etc.


I seem to recall Michael said that the Reinecke CC had never been PROFESSIONALLY recorded before.  Which is true enough - the orchestra in the previous CD consisted of German physicians.

Alan Howe

Unfortunately Delos call it a 'premiere' - which it isn't.

Mark Thomas

I don't think that it matters much. The new recording is so superior in every respect, even including availability, that it might as well be true, even if it is marketing hyperbole born of ignorance.

Alan Howe

Richard Moss

I see the CD is now on general release - has anyone else received their 'free' download or CD for sponsoring this?  If so (for a download) how were you notified please - I've heard nothing.

Best wishes



My copy of the CD was sent to me by Michael Samis about three weeks ago. I had been contacted by him for my postal address.

Alan Howe

My copy came a while back too.