Ries, Peterson-Berger and Gouvy from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Sunday 10 March 2013, 16:35

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Never encountered the verb 'to derp' before. Lovely! Oh, where have I been? I'm sure Alan has been charged with all kinds of mischievious deeds......but never derping.

Alan Howe

Link duly un-derped, de-derped or whatever...


Thanks for pointing that out! It's about time for the Ries, I remember talking to the Ries society in 2010 and they telling me it was already recorded!


Can't open the page right now - that page on JPC, though not others, are down/unavailable/proxy-error-ish and not cached, either... (!), but I assume the data on the site says that the Ries not only is being released now but also was recorded after 2010, then? (The JPC cpo pages are usually somewhat informative about when the recordings were recorded and/or produced (CPO, CD, 94)- at least, they contain the last two digits of the year of recording (I think), and the year of release is actually displayed a little less prominently (Erschienungsjahr: ... or will be available as of... (translating here...) )


The page confirms what they told me, it says "2009"

I wonder what took them so long to release this  ???


A familiar but frustrating phenomenon known well to all of us at the forum, Hilleries! CPO has a considerable number of works recorded and awaiting eventual release. Some of them, like the remaining Raff quartets, date back several years. I've often entertained fantasies about donning some disguise and visiting their vaults in the dead of night (trouble is that I wouldn't be too good at such larks). Each of us can easily draw up a list of works known to have been recorded, and of which we're itching to see the light of day.

The only consolation is that these works have been recorded and might eventually be released. I say 'might' since, like it or not, it is the prerogative of CPO to decide not to release them if they consider the recording isn't a good one or might not be wholly successful in the market place. Yep, I know: painful to contemplate, but CPO, like all other record companies isn't some charity designed to keep folk like us happy, but has to be commercially successful - if it wasn't then we'd get no new releases at all!


Yup, pretty unpredictable.  I keep a want list of things to come.  A year ago they were going to release Hausseger Hymn of the Night and the Pejacavic Violin Sonatas.  No sign of them yet altho we did get some other of her chamber works worth exploring.

Patience, Jerry, patience......


The Pejacevic exists in a limited-distribution CD recording anyway, doesn't it, I thought? Sort of? From awhile ago? (here - just one of them, my mistake, the opus 43, in a collection (sonatas by Pejacevic, Slavenski, Papandopulo) from 2001 on Croatia records. Erm. Anyway. The more the merrier in principle...)

I had such a wantlist too (and should still).  I'm glad to say many of the items in my earlier wantlist (I found it on usenet...) have by now been recorded...


Re. the other Pejacevic works "worth exploring"....

The last few days have seen me, between concert going, exploring the recent CPO 2 CD set of Pejacevic's Piano Quartet Op. 25, Piano Quintet Op. 40, and String Quartet Op. 58.

What utterly gorgeous music! Composed with the absolute fluency and confidence of a great composer and powerfully expressive. I've been so thrilled to discover this hugely rewarding music. Where on earth has Pejacevic been hiding all these years? And to think she died at the relatively young age of 38...

Maybe I should have latched onto a previous Pejacevic thread, for I know she's been discussed before. CPO are surely on to a real winner here....I shall remain agitated until those violin sonatas appear, and then shall be clamouring for yet more Pejacevic.


Of the three I've heard only the piano quintet, another, earlier (maybe also from that same Croatian Music label?) recording of which is, I suppose I've said, occasionally broadcast (@BBC3 Through the Night, e.g.).  (The piano quartet is in score & parts at IMSLP if you want to follow along, though :) ) And I concur. _Good_ piece. I wasn't disagreeing - more, please!!


Quote from: Hilleries on Monday 11 March 2013, 20:11
The page confirms what they told me, it says "2009"

I wonder what took them so long to release this  ???

If you look at the page for the new Peterson-Berger release


you will even find that those recordings are from 2001/02 !!!


Hrm. I say without sarcasm, better late than never; that might be another opus 1 to really look forward to!

Alan Howe

The Ries sounds spectacularly good from the excerpts now available at jpc (see first post for link).