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August Bungert

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 12 March 2013, 22:59

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I seem to recall there were some questions (maybe it was just me) about exact facts about a few works by August Bungert awhile back.  Representatives of a Societas Bungertiana just uploaded some works to IMSLP and provided contact information. Maybe they have the answers to questions (like when the violin sonata, was it?, was composed and/or published...) - worth following up?

Societas Bungertiana

Bungert's violin sonata Op.48 (actually Op.10) was composed during his years in Kreuznach where he worked as conductor.
The piece was not published! To be honest: it is not his best work...
The manuscript is in the ownership of the Stadtarchiv in Neuwied.

The piece consists of the following parts:
1. Rasch und leidenschaftlich
2. Schnell
3. Langsam; mit viel Ruhe u. Wärme
4. Mit Entrüstung. Rasch

I hope I could help you!
Aris Alexander Blettenberg

Societas Bungertiana Mülheim an der Ruhr --- August Bungert's hometown


Alan Howe

Quote from: Societas Bungertiana on Sunday 17 March 2013, 21:40
To be honest: it is not his best work...

Welcome to UC, Herr Blettenberg. Perhaps you could tell us more about Bungert's music? What, for example, is his best work?

Societas Bungertiana

Well, I can't say that. I don't know all of his works!

But his Lieder - he wrote about 400 songs - are very beautifully crafted! In the past they were often sung by the famous Wagner singer Lilli Lehmann (1848-1929).

His piano quartet is marvelous! I played it yesterday with three other young musicians in the context of a "Bungert evening" I organized. You can find the sheet music on IMSLP.

Not forgetting Bungert's opera tetralogy "Die Odyssee"...

Aris A. Blettenberg

Alan Howe

Thanks. Many of us know of Bungert's operatic tetralogy Die Homerische Welt by reputation. Do you know the music at all?


You didn't, by chance, record the Piano Quartet?


Societas Bungertiana

@ Alan: Strictly speaking, "Die Homerische Welt" was never completed. It should contain two opera cycles, "Ilias" and "Die Odyssee". The second cycle which was fully completed consists of four operas. (By the way: I read through the vocal scores of these works. They're great!) The "Ilias" was firstly planned as hexalogy. He drafted some libretti extracts. But he didn't finish any opera of this cycle.

@ Jerry: Yes, we recorded it! After having checked the quality of the recording and the video material I will post it on YouTube.

Aris A. Blettenberg

Alan Howe

Thanks for the clarification, Aris. Wonder if we'll ever anything from the operas?


Quote from: Societas Bungertiana on Monday 18 March 2013, 21:54
@ Jerry: Yes, we recorded it! After having checked the quality of the recording and the video material I will post it on YouTube.

Aris A. Blettenberg

wonderful - we will eagerly look forward to it.


Societas Bungertiana

This was my encore last Sunday (after the quartet). I hope you like it!
It's a complete two-part canon! This album leaf was a compositional study in the context of Bungert's lessons with Friedrich Kiel, the master of counterpoint at that time.

Yours Aris

Societas Bungertiana

Societas Bungertiana

Alan Howe

Actually, the Torquato Tasso Overture was already available in our Archive section:,1373.msg23941.html#msg23941
It's always worth checking what is available there!

Societas Bungertiana

Very nice! Thank you!
Ilse and Wiltrud Bungert recently gave me an old gramophone record with some lieder and piano works on it.
I uploaded them on YouTube. Please have a look!