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Walford Davies Symphony 2 at EMF

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 18 March 2013, 18:06

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 :) This is a wonderful find. I hope we hear more of this composer, especially any further symphonies he may have composed. Thank you so much for uploading this!

Alan Howe

I've just been revisiting Walford Davies' 2nd Symphony, finding it a much more interesting work than the last time I listened. Its besetting problem is its lack of really memorable melodic material, but its idiom (definitely Elgar, but with a certain element of whimsy in the mix) is very attractive and the handling of the orchestra masterly. It's a shame no recording has (yet) emerged, but the (excellent) recording of the radio broadcast is a thoroughly commendable stop-gap. Do give it another listen...


Yeah, I've been very fond of it for a while. I would like to hear more of Davies' work. I really like "Everyman" too, which is available on Dutton.


His Elgarian Solemn Melody appears on the Marco Polo CD, Welsh Classical Favourites, but it is very short!


Alan, I re listened to the Symphony yesterday. It is a work that has grown on me since that EMF performance, which was blisteringly good I thought. I agree with you; it is worth recording isn't it?
Maybe we should bombard Dutton with emails, suggesting a complete Walford Davies programme....maybe the early Symphony or the piece for Piano and Orchestra, conversation I think it's called. I particularly love the first and last movements of the 2nd Symphony.