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AKCoburg recordings

Started by eschiss1, Sunday 24 February 2013, 18:31

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I was under the impression that all of these, except for the Bach/Raff suites and maybe a few others, were NLA following Alan's death, but I see from that the Draeseke Society North America has a new address in New York and there seems at least a hint there that the recordings may still be available.  I have several of them (much played or transferred to my iPod and much played there, with considerable enjoyment) but would be glad to be able to get some of the rest as circumstances permit, so this pleases - if true. (Of course, I also hope Records International still has some in stock too.)

I should probably just email them of course- still, has anyone heard about this (availability from the New York division of the society?) :)
Thanks- Eric

Eric - don't know whether I did the sensible thing or not, but I bought my Draeseke discs from Amazon just over a year ago. On both Amazon UK and USA the prices fluctuate between very expensive and affordable, so the trick is to moniter and then grab when the price isn't too high.

I'm conscious the above isn't an answer to your question. But the point is that Amazon (and I mean Amazon and not an Amazon seller) have been able to supply them over the last year, and so obviously they are getting them from somewhere. Amazon usually say something like "only 2 left in stock" - but I then notice that when that stock is exhausted there is a gap of 2-5 days and then a further limited number are in stock at a different price. So somewhere there is a source. Whether it is eternally replenishable is something I don't know.

Hope that bit of tangential information is better than no information! I also suspect that very soon Alan will sweep in, push my amateurish effort to one side and give you a far more authoritative answer to the question!

Alan Howe

I think that Records International are accessing stock held by the IDS/NA after Alan Krueck's death. I'd therefore order from RI:



Tangentailly if I may, I've played the recordings in this series that I do have for some friends , colleagues, acquaintances, family... (not all of them even classical fanatics) and have noticed that of the recordings in my collection they garner some of the strongest, unprompted positive reactions. (Deservedly so. The various parties involved, Alan included, Draeseke certainly included :D, knew what they were doing. ) Which is one reason I have asked about these AKCoburg recordings and their availability , or just mentioned them, specifically and unusually often. Thanks. :)

Alan Howe

Many thanks, Eric, for that unsolicited testimonial to both the recordings and the music itself. I know that dear Alan Krueck held that Draeseke's output contained a very large percentage of masterpieces, so your guests' reactions are very heartening. Thanks also for so effectively proselytising on Draeseke's behalf.