Reynaldo Hahn - L'île du rêve and La Carmélite

Started by Matt, Friday 05 July 2019, 19:12

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I open this new topic in order to announce that two important operas by Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) will be given and recorded next year : L'île du rêve and La Carmélite.
L'île du rêve will be given in concert in Munich with the Münchner Rundfunkorchester on January 26th. La Carmélite will be given in concert in Toulouse with the Orchestre national du Capitole on March 14th. Both concerts are supported by Palazzetto Bru Zane ; they will be recorded and will release in the collection Opéra français of the Palazzetto.

More information here :

Alan Howe


Anything by Reynaldo Hahn is always welcome. He's is another composer who rarely disappoints.

Mark Thomas

I've just been listening to a recording of the Munich concert performance of L'île du rêve in January this year and it really is the most gorgeous score, most persuasively performed. The influence of Massenet on the young Hahn is very clear, but that's no bad thing in my book. There's not long to wait for the commercial release luckily.


I totally agree ! But I think that La Carmélite is even more interesting : the opera is longer than L'île du rêve (the work lasts 2 hours and a half) ; there are many characters, a very large orchestra (with harpsichord, organ and piano) ; vocal and musical style is more personnal than Hahn's previous opera. That's a colourful and contrasted work : the first act is neo-classical, with sections composed alla Lully (especially the ballet of the second scene) ; the second act is more lyrical (an important duet at the end between Louise and the King) but also choral ; the third act, which is the longest, is the most contrasted (some passages could belong to operetta but some others are very introspective) ; the fourth act is solemn.
Hahn has composed a work which contains a lot of ravishing music. If L'île du rêve is influenced by Massenet, La Carmélite rather remembers Saint-Saëns. Fortunately, the cancelled concert of March is postponed until 13th February 2021 (with a recording). 

Mark Thomas

Thanks, that's most encouraging. Is there an existing recording of La Carmélite? I can't find one.


There's no recording of La Carmélite yet. We must wait for the concert of February 2021 in Toulouse (and the release of the CD in the months which will follow).


There's no recording of La Carmélite, even in the French radio archives.  Only a 12' excerpt recorded in 1948 by Géori Boué and Lucien Lovano.  Not enough to really give an idea of the musical value of the work.  So we are all awaiting this new complete recording with impatience.