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Lalo Violin Sonata

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 30 April 2013, 17:34

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Alan Howe

Lalo's lovely Violin Sonata has appeared on Fuga Libera...
...coupled with an absolute first-rate version of the Symphonie Espagnole. If you have given up on this old warhorse of the violin repertoire, I urge you most strongly to give this superbly played and conducted account a try. And you get the sonata thrown in, plus two other violin & piano pieces!


Quite a different performance than the old Perlman/Barenboim one. Not sure it will replace it in my affections, but the youthful freshness of this account is most enticing. And possibly closer to the youthful composer's intention.

Alan Howe

Your description is spot-on, Kit.