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Draeseke Symphony 3 (c. Köhler)

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 20 May 2013, 22:20

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Alan Howe

I do urge friends to download and listen to the performance of Symphony No.3 made available by britishcomposer. While I have one or two reservations about some of Köhler's occasional abrupt gear-changes, I have no doubt that this is the most exciting performance of Draeseke's great work that can be heard today (we only have four - this, plus the recordings by Desser, Hanson and Weigle). It should win converts to Draeseke's cause...

Alan Howe

Having had another day to absorb the performance, I have to say that it sheds a whole new light on the symphony. It does so mainly by means of swifter tempi, but these are entirely justified when the result is to show how sheerly exciting this work can be. In short, it just blazes. I wish the orchestra were a notch or two better - the Nordwestdeutche Philharmonie of Herford are clearly not in the premier league of German orchestras - but they exhibit an honest enthusiasm and no little skill in following Köhler's dynamic direction.

If only I could find out more about the circumstances of the performance...


I do know the Köhler-recording for a long time and do also think, that it is the best, most exiting and sweeping recording among the four. It shows, what Draeseke aimed with this Symphony - some time, after hearing it, I had the impression: Draeseke is able to produce by his music a whirl (I hope its the adequate english word - or a tornado), which tears the listener away with the music, as I never have experienced before.

Alan Howe

gene schiller

Just heard the Draeseke 3rd on youtube - impressive, as you say, though the superiority of the Kohler performance should come as no surprise. In 1979 he brought Siegfried Wagner's "Sonnenflammen" (live performance - Wiesbaden) to vibrant, theatrical life, far surpassing the sonically superior CPO recording.  A fine conductor.