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Christmas operas

Started by savvy, Friday 24 May 2013, 10:19

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Mark Thomas

Yes it does. It's set at Christmas and is based on a play called "The Miller and his Daughter" by Ernst Raupach. Here's Google's slightly garbled translation of its plot, which gives you a fair enough idea.


I've thought of another one! Mackenzie composed an operatic version of "The Cricket on the Hearth".


Oh yes, with a gloriously addictive overture which Hyperion recorded, when they were still doing things like that


There is a comic opera with the title La Nuit de Noel composed in 1848 by Napoleon-Henri Reber.


Vittorio Monti's Noël de Pierrot (1900, Paris) (A Clown's Christmas)? Don't know if it qualifies quite as I really know nothing about it...
(Before the Maherish New Rules (joking, joking) I would have accosted, I mean brought in, Hindemith for his late opera "The Long Christmas Dinner". Indeed I see a number of Christmas-related (or so their titles suggest) operas from the 1960s and 1970s mentioned on an opera site...)

(Hrm, also "Weihnachten" ("Weihnachten Natale Oper in einem Aufzug") (, performed Dec. 29 1900) by Alberto Gentili (1873-1954). Don't know of a recording or score, but biography can be found in Italian under "G" on page Protagonisti, also in Italian Wikipedia. Though actually a fair number of his manuscripts, edited works (of Stradella, etc.) are listed in the Internet Culturale catalogue- 154 in all- some downloadable perhaps- maybe Weihnachten among them; will have a closer look later, maybe try to get some notion if this was worth mentioning...)

Derek Hughes

Massenet's Le Jongleur de Notre Dame was broadcast on Radio 3 in the early hours of Christmas Eve, and was described on the BBC website (followed by other websites) as 'Massenet's Christmas opera '. I'm not aware of any connection with Christmas before this broadcast decided to make one. Am I missing something?

Mark Thomas

Maybe they were confusing it with Cendrillon?