Clarinet Quintets by Strässer & Marteau from Sterling

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 29 May 2013, 22:26

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Alan Howe

Ooooh! Many thanks, Alan. One to be pursued with considerable interest.


Oh, I like this. Two composers I like a lot, and I've seen the Strässer quintet though not yet heard it. Thanks!

Mark Thomas

Ah, a potential gem. I met Stephan Siegentahler  a couple of years ago and he is absolutely committed to expanding the recorded romantic clarinet repertoire.


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Thursday 30 May 2013, 07:57
Ah, a potential gem. I met Stephan Siegentahler  a couple of years ago and he is absolutely committed to expanding the recorded romantic clarinet repertoire.
Great!  Maybe he can do the Rietz concerto!

Mark Thomas


The Rietz concerto has been recorded, though not very often and a new recording would be a good idea (I seem to recall having heard it).

(There are clarinet quintets by Krehl (in A, pub.1902, republished 1997) and Täglichsbeck (in B♭, pub.1863) that look interesting... Krehl's string quartet sounds good enough that I'd like to hear the quintet (actually, now that I look, there does seem to have been a recording of it on K617- "Les deux quintettes avec clarinette dédiés à Richard Mühlfeld"- oh. Erm. Never mind, then...)