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News from Acte Prealable

Started by markniew, Wednesday 05 June 2013, 20:07

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some new CDs announced by Acte Prealable

among them Grzegorz Fitelberg with Piano Trio and Antoni Rutkowski with his Piano Trio and Violin Sonata. All premier recordings

Alan Howe


hmm. I didn't know that his Sonata was ever recorded! Thank you Alan.

Alan Howe


Well the reviewer gets 10 out of 10 for enthusiasm for sure but the review doesn't seem  musically that literate... songs that are "dark in form"?? But still beautiful despite the slow tempo and those "dark forms"... As though a slow tempo usually inhibits beauty? And "throughout the trio all three instruments play as one"? It's almost as though the reviewer has never come across a piano trio before now! This is not a review I'd use to recommend this cd to any of my musical friends.


Well, perhaps the langauge of the review is not convincing but myself I expect intersting music and intend to buy it soon.
There is however something else incorrect in the review/or CD notes. It is impossible that Grzegorz Fitelberg conducted Ludomir Różycki'is Ballade for piano and orchestra with Anton Rubinstein as soloist. Ballade was written in ca. 1904 and Anton Rubinstein died in 1894.
Also it is rather less possible that the soloist was Artur Rubinstein. I remember that in his memories (My young years) he recalled his first encounter with the very young Ludomir Różycki (Rubinstein visited Różyckis' apartment looking for lectures from Ludomir's father - well known music teacher) who was rather unpolite towards Rubinstein (also very young). Rubinstein remembered that fact and then declared that he never would play anything composed by insolent lad.
Perhaps it is only an anecdotic story.
What is really true is that Fitelberd used to be a great promoter of then new Polish music.


Oh yes, I think the cd sounds like a great buy no doubt!


Erm, no, it's not "less" possible that it was Artur than that it was Anton. For obvious reasons.


Quote from: Gauk on Saturday 08 June 2013, 18:24
There was a recent Swedish Radio broadcast of the 3rd symphony - reminds me more of Myaskovsky than Tchaikovsky, though.

Really? Any idea how we might be able to get access to it?!


Well, I think we have or had -a- broadcast of Maliszewski's 3rd symphony of (ca.?) 1907 (the work in q?) in our Uploads (sorry, Downloads) section? - a search should turn it up - Antoni Wit, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Alan Howe

The Fitelberg CD can be sampled here (try the last four tracks for the beautiful-sounding early Piano Trio):


Does anyone know of a download site for the Fitelberg Piano Trio CD??
