Oscar Straus Piano Concerto 1870-1954

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 15 June 2013, 11:22

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Quote from: Alan Howe on Friday 21 June 2013, 16:56
Come back to it in 12 months and see whether you think the same. I'm conscious that first impressions, while important, are the ones most subject to subsequent revision.



Thank you for uploading the Straus, my curiosity is satisfied.  I did enjoy it.  The point with all these little known works is that much of the enjoyment is in the exploration and sometimes finding something one really likes.  There are many recordings I have which I haven't played for years and then something makes me come back to them and often I hear them in a different light. With well known war horses, I am frequently irritated because they haven't been played in precisely the manner I like and have come to expect.


Or alternatively, the interpreter fails to find anything new in the piece, which is the more common failing.


busy schedules have something to do with that too, I am guessing (personal and group - visiting conductors given 4 days or less to work with an orchestra won't get much new out of any work, well-known or otherwise; ... contrariwise Schoenberg writing about Mahler and conducting says something along the lines that (I'm not quite sure I agree entirely, but I put it forth) a 9th rehearsal shouldn't be necessary if all has been said and communicated that the conductor knows to say, by the end of the 8th...)