Stanford VC2 (c/w Milford VC) from EM Records

Started by BFerrell, Monday 17 June 2013, 20:23

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Gareth Vaughan

QuoteThe excellent website of the Robin Milford Trust has the score and parts for the Symphony available for purchase. A project for Dutton, perhaps?

Why not drop them a line and see what they say?

Alan Howe

I understand that this project has been delayed. Apparently there were problems with the make-up of the orchestra that was being put together by the conductor, so now negotiations are taking place with another orchestra in London.


Correct.  Bjorn Bantock tried to slip in an orchestra of amateurs who would have ONE rehearsal to prepare. When questioned on it, he split the scene!

Alan Howe

What? What kind of orchestra would this have been for an important recording anyway?


Gareth Vaughan

The best British orchestras certainly could manage standard repertoire on ONE rehearsal, but amateurs, and completely new and unfamiliar repertoire, NO WAY. What a charlatan!


even standard repertoire should probably be given more than one rehearsal , unless the conductor really has nothing to say about it... in which case it should be given to someone who does.


Bantock assured Em that he could assemble a pick-up orchestra of all London professionals. She insisted on 100% professionals. It didn't happen. She called him on it and he walked away.
ONE rehearsal with a semi-pro pickup orchestra of two never performed works?
She was not putting her reputation on the line and I commend her.
She expects an even better product sooner rather than later.
They still have the Watford booked.

Alan Howe

She's right to insist on the highest possible standards, of course.

Mark Thomas


Let us not forget the old adage: Good things come to those who wait :)

Gareth Vaughan

I have the highest respect for Em Marshall. She has made the right decision and I'm sure she will do her best to bring this project to fruition.
And, of course, you are right, Eric. Even standard repertore that an orchestra knows inside out deserves more than one rehearsal before committing to disk - unfortunately, I can tell you that it rarely gets it. And neither does non-standard repertore, I regret to say. We are just lucky that British professional orchestral players have a just reputation for being the best sight readers in the world!   It is, as always, a question of money.  It is not at all unusual for there to be one rehearsal (which might be pretty thorough - but, nevertheless, only the one) before the recording sessions commence.  I believe the M.U. rules state that you are allowed to record up to 20 minutes of a work within an hour of studio time, but not more.


The BBC Concert Orchestra will record the concertos for Em in January at Watford. Conductor not lined up as yet but may be MY.

Alan Howe

I'm so pleased for EM. It'll be an outstanding release, I'm sure.

Mark Thomas

Gareth Vaughan

I'm a bit late on this news, but Em emailed me today confirming Tapiola's information. Marvellous!