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Most Memorable Unsung Tune.

Started by John H White, Sunday 07 July 2013, 13:59

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I would choose:
Glazunov Scenes de Ballet, n.1 (the tune after a short introduction)
Fibich Symphony n.1, main theme of the scherzo


Oh, one other suggestion if I may, though I guess this one is only semi-unsung... opening of second subject, first movement of Berwald's Sinfonie capricieuse.

(Though ... hrm. It's our good fortune; quite a few lesser-known works combine rather memorable themes, and strong structures, too.)


For me, one of the tunes I remember best even after a long time is the second theme from Rheinberger's overture to Die Sieben Raben (at around 3:12 in the Athinaos recording) - a hauntingly beautiful melody. Another would be the main theme from the last movement of Peter Benoit's piano concerto (the 'Fantastic Hunt').


Speaking of Berwald, the entire Symphonie Singulière is chock-full of memorable tunes, although only the themes of the first movement and second theme of the Adagio are tunes I could say stuck with me years after only one hearing.


Certainly in the sung category, but gets me every time;
Dvorak - Piano Trio No. 4 'Dumky', movement 3 Andante. I don't know if anyone saw the comparison, but it sounds similar to the main theme from the film 'Unforgiven', but no credit was given...  (and somewhat similar with Meyer's Cavatina from the Deer Hunter).

More unsungs:

Myaskovsky - Cello Sonata No. 2 in a minor, 1st movement, 1st theme. Hauntingly beautiful, it hit me the very first time I've heard it - one of the best openings of any cello sonata, in my opinion. Captures pathos, beauty, wistfulness, and power all at once.

Bargiel - Violin Sonata in f minor, op 10 - first theme of first movement - simple, powerful, unmistakable, and stays with you.

Lyapunov - Symphony No. 1 in b minor, op 12 - 2nd movement, first theme.

Reinecke - Wind Octet in Bb, op. 216 - 1st movement, second subject (or development of first subject, depending on how you look at it), appears about 1:23 minutes in. Very playful, and interesting development, with a neat harmonic turn midway through - neat development about 2:12.

Dohnanyi - his youthful Piano Quartet in f minor, 1st movement, 1st theme - amazing treatment by a 14-year old.

edit: true enough on the Bargiel.


Nitpicking- I thought the Bargiel was a violin sonata :)... (but I'd be the last to argue against the notion that Myaskovsky had some really good tunes in him- and that the opening of Op.81 was one of them. And in its way, the first cello sonata, too; I wish the violin sonata Op.70 were too, but- not so much.)


Two tunes that keep swirling round my head for the last forty years: Goetz 1st Movement from the Symphony & Siegfried Wagner Violin Concerto 1st Movement.


If I may mention Suk as well... I would add the main theme from 'Pohadka', in the first movement of the fairy-tale suite. This melody, sung by the violin is most sublime and has stayed in my head instantly and now for many years. To me this should be played in concerts alongside the famous 'Moldova' from 'Ma Vlast' by Smetana. To me it totally holds up the latter, hands down.


Apologies (probably hypocritical) for interjecting time and again, but mention of Suk makes me think of the recurring B major "slow movement" (the third(?) section) theme from his one-movement 2nd string quartet (B-C#-D#-B... A#-C#-B-D#-C#-E-D#...F#...)

-- another of those lovely tunes that has lodged in my mind (and which - a small number of - other themes remind me of, besides, for good or ill...) Inspired composer, in my honest opinion.


Great subject, John. Thought about this a bit. I have nothing original to offer, but wish to second the nomination of Draeseke's cello sonata I:subsidiary theme and would add to that the similarly lyrical and effusive first theme of Thuille's Sextet, op. 6.


The second subject from the first movement of Sinding's Third Violin Concerto...and how it returns in the finale.


How do I get to hear Draeseke's Cello Sonata that some of you are raving about without having to fork out about $40 for a used copy of the AP disc?

Alan Howe

Try Records International:
Audio excerpts here (Cello Sonata = tracks 1 to 3):
For me, the greatest cello sonata in the entire repertoire. (Ducks!)


There are so many good ones to choose from, but one that definitely stands out to me is the theme from the epilogue of Joly Braga Santos' 4th symphony.


I just thought of one more.... Saint-Saens - Piano Concerto No. 5 in F Major, 1st Movement 2nd theme. lovely melody and the way this theme is treated just before the close of the movement.