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Bax Symphony in F

Started by musiclover, Wednesday 14 August 2013, 12:20

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Anyone know anything about a rumour going around that the RSNO has recorded an orchestration of the Bax Symphony in F with Yates & Dutton?


I'm now a little confused regarding which symphony this is. Could this rumour be about the un-finished symphony of Bax (1906/7)? If so this could be fascinating. Anyone any ideas or clues?



I am sworn to secrecy. Patience.   :-X

Alan Howe

...which means that the rumour probably has legs. Watch this space...


Such intrigue.....if it is that un scored work, it is supposed to really long....if it's true this will be a massive coup for Dutton.....until we know more I can only wait with baited breath!

Alan Howe

I can see you going red in the face already! Don't forget to breath out.... ;)

Mark Thomas

On the odd occasion when I've been able to drop a tantalising hint about an upcoming Raff release, I've had much more fun from how wrong people have guessed than I've had worries about correct guesses.  ;)

I'm quite sure I am wholly naive and missing out on something obvious to others. But refusing to get excited about anything until I know what it is (maybe just as well I didn't espouse that view in my first teenage fumblings), I don't really grasp the point of all this cloak and daggers and lips sealed secrecy stuff.

Obviously if a person is told something in confidence then (s)he is bound to respect that confidence. But I don't see why record companies want to keep top secret future release plans. After all in the publishing world a publisher often says 'in the autumn we're going to publish a new biography of Frederick the Great'. That news can be of value to those interested in the subject, and it likewise benefits the publisher by preparing the way to a successful book launch.

So why the utter secrecy about recording or release plans? What's the justification for it? Wouldn't it be quite absurd for a concert organiser to book a venue, make a contract with musicians to perform in it, and then say: Tee hee, I'm not going to tell you what so and so is playing until the afternoon of the evening concert? What's the difference?

OK, I know 65 people will promptly rebuke me so I'll shut up!

Mark Thomas

I take your point, Peter, but I think that the difference is that in the book industry there's no chance of any other publisher bringing out a specific new book because the author has a contract with just the one publisher. In the classical recording industry, the music is generally out of copyright and so anybody can record it at any time, and labels are frightened of some other company trumping them by bringing out a competing recording. In this case, of course, if what is being recorded is an orchestration of an uncompleted work, then that concern probably wouldn't apply, at least initially.


I think with Dutton it's not so much secrecy as the very quick turnaround time for their releases. Example, they recorded the Matthews Vespers a few weeks ago for release in October/November. They had to hold the 7th Symphony recording to prepare a suitable disc-mate. I only knew about the release from the composer, not Dutton.
The recording last Friday also will be released in October/November. So that's fast. In the meantime any number of things can and do go wrong. Suppose the performer hears the edits and says "no way is that going out!" They have no time to change the release schedule if it's announced too soon.
A good example is the Foulds. Manuscript problems unforeseen has delayed it (maybe). Had  I not mentioned it (shame) no one would even be expecting such a release. Now it may be delayed or postponed.
BTW the Bax symphony referred to above is a complete short score of 60 minutes! It was in the possession of Colin Scott-Sutherland all these years. So the actual MUSIC is all Bax.  A huge, sloppy Romantic wallow. Yates did the orchestration based on many of Bax's notes in the score....and I've just said too much already. :-[
Hope that helps somewhat.

Many thanks Tapiola (and Mark). Yes, I can understand some very plausible responses to my previous question. And, crickey, there's sufficient in Tapiola's reply to lead to a sharp intake of air in preparation for a whoop of delight. But, of course, any public discussion would be idle tittle tattle and uninformed rumouring, and we won't have that!

Alan Howe

Well now I'm holding my breath. Hope I can last out until.....whenever....


Well thanks for the info from everyone. Very interesting, this (if it is released) is going to be extraordinary. I don't know if I can wait! The Moeran 2nd was fantastic so there must be high hopes for the Yates/Bax then. No pressure for him!


"Whenever" will probably be the last week of October.