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Jan Sluníčko (1856-1923)

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 10 September 2013, 03:12

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can anyone tell me anything about the music of Johann (Jan) Slunicko? I keep seeing his music mentioned in HMB, mostly (early 20th-century editions). Seems to have written a lot of music for violin and piano including a half-dozen sonatas or so, also much piano music and some other chamber works and lieder (also a string orchestra suite, Op.71, pub.1909... - hailing matesic?... :) ) mostly. Haven't seen or heard a bit of it yet (but then, haven't seen any copies scanned in anywhere- that would be a start...)

(Also, was he the son of the teacher/activist of the same name?- hadn't heard of him, I regret to say, but one does run into history to learn about- yes, I know, it's not at all just that nor do I mean to imply that...! - when searching...)


I have a book of his works published by Recital Publications. A quick glance would indicate that the majority are works one might find sewn together in a Victorian schoolgirls practice album. Not without charm, but perhaps lacking in substance.

If he wrote sonatas and larger scale works, perhaps they are of a different class, but I wouldn't hold your hopes out.



No "if" about the former part, he did write at least five violin sonatas, a violin concerto, and some other works of various sorts whose titles suggest a large-ish size if not necessarily ambitious formal design, but thanks for the warning...

(The sonatas that survive that I know of were published in the first decade of the last century by Hofmeister- well, up to 1913. The concerto was published in reduction around 1898. Some libraries, including the Czech National Library, seem to have them, but again, have not seen head, tail or antenna- you've seen more of his music than I have, that's sure.)