Pejacevic Works for Violin & Piano from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 11 September 2013, 09:43

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Oh, this one will bring me immense pleasure. Thank you for the alert, Alan.

Mark Thomas

Good oh. She's a very rewarding composer I find.


Great news! The CPO disc of Pejacevic's Symphony in F-sharp minor and Phantasie-Concerto for Piano and Orchestra was a great discovery for me. Thrillingly romantic music which really gets my blood level up! ;D

I don't wish damage to those veins, LateRomantic, but to listen to some of the chamber works might raise the blood levels even higher. The last CPO disc gave us the Op. 40 Piano Quintet in B minor - in my view the work joins the category of top notch piano quintets (that is praise indeed given what else lies within that exalted category).

I've much enjoyed those orchestral works - but I'm especially grateful to CPO for providing us with not only the work above, but also the Piano Quartet Op. 25, Piano Trio Op. 29, Cello Sonata, Op. 35, and the String Quartet Op. 58. I've found all of them wonderfully satisfying works. Dora Pejacevic is one of my happiest discoveries of the last couple of years. Just think: until recently most of us had never even heard of her. Whoopee for CPO.


The piano quintet and a few other works had been recorded earlier on a smaller (Croatian) label, and Euroclassic Notturno sometimes broadcast the quintet - which was the first I'd heard of her (and possibly still the only work I've heard of hers, though I need to rectify that. It really is a very fine and, especially, a very repeatable piece, I think...)


violin sonatas announced for (European) release next week, I now see, and, indeed, on page 2 of their new release pages for the month. :)

Alan Howe

This is a CD of some of the most beautiful violin & piano music I have heard in a very long time. Long-breathed melodies, fetching key progressions, and all in a highly romantic idiom. Absolutely wonderful. Unmissable, in fact.

Mark Thomas


(Gnashes teeth waiting for release in the colonies....)


As I believe I mentioned in an earlier thread, Dora Pejacevic's works, particularly the chamber works, are powerful, delicate, balanced, and just plain memorable. Such a consistent high quality...

eschiss1, anyway, claims that the CD will be available for purchase in the USA on the 28th of January. (Pleasantly, someone's already uploaded the back cover of the CD for perusal, too :) )

Gareth Vaughan

I have a very high opinion of Pejacevic's music. I only wish someone would record her Piano Concerto.


Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 15 January 2014, 11:31
I have a very high opinion of Pejacevic's music. I only wish someone would record her Piano Concerto.

It has been recorded and will appear sometime from cpo (as you know - this can take years with them  >:( )


I think there has been a recording of the concerto, which can be heard on YouTube in two parts, starting here.