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Heinrich Schulz-Beuthen

Started by FBerwald, Tuesday 30 April 2013, 07:58

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Alan Howe

Quote from: hadrianus on Tuesday 22 October 2013, 16:02
Neger-Lieder (Nigger-Songs)

Well, they could just as easily - and much less offensively - be translated "Negro Songs".


No; in German, the word "Neger" is already offensive. We have to say something like "people of color" and a (German) title like "People of color songs" would be rather funny. But on my CD, I use the offensive original title - and nobody reacted so far...

Alan Howe the same way that "negro" has become offensive in English, whereas it once was a fairly neutral word. However "nigger" has always been a term of abuse. The point is that the German word has both senses.

For example: Delius' opera Koanga has these parts: Negro 1, Negro 2. While we might not designate them "Negro 1" and "Negro 2" today, back in 1896-7 no offence would have been implied - or taken. But they would certain never have been called "Nigger 1" and "Nigger 2".


And yet sources in 1920 and 1929 call Dvorak's quartet in F major exactly this.


Funny how now it's called the "American" quartet.  BTW, I think there's a string quintet by Dvorak, Op. 98 or 100, also called "American", composed around the same time.


He wrote several works- American Quartet, American Quintet, American Suite for piano or orchestra, 9th symphony,  an almost never-played Cantata ("The American Flag" Op.102/B177, 1892-3. Only one recording listed and a rather negative review- for what little that's worth- at AMG), etc. - in that general sort of wise, while in or just back from the USA, I believe, yes. (Hrm. Well, I think almost never recorded; maybe played a little more. I see that the cantata was played on July 6 (this year) by the Kentucky Symphony.)


FWIW, I like The American Flag. It's not anything special, but if you like Dvorak it should be enjoyable. Has a good recording of the 5th Symphony along with it.

Alan Howe

Meanwhile, back at the Schulz-Beuthen ranch...


Alan Howe

...oh dear, yes, I see he spent his last years in an asylum.
