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Wilhelm Jacoby

Started by thalbergmad, Sunday 27 October 2013, 20:32

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For my records, I rather need at least the birth and death dates of the above chap who composed a piano concerto and some songs.

He has the same name as a famous playwright, which is making it difficult (for me anyway) to find any info whatsoever.

A huge thanks to whoever comes up with something.




I gather the one we're not looking for, just to be clear, was also a librettist, and had dates 1855-1925?

Other works by Jacoby-the-composer include a ballade ("Ahasver") Op.7 for baritone and orchestra and 2 Lieder with piano accompaniment, all played with the piano concerto at a sort of Jacoby Evening on October 14, 1881 in Berlin, according to a contemporary issue of Musikpädagogische Blatter. (Which, btw, if there was any question, places the composition date of the piano concerto above at "by 1881", of course... I don't know if it's known better than that? HMB gives a publication date of earlyish 1882 (that is, notice of receipt etc. appears in the issue of HMB of July 1882. It may have been first-published before, even maybe well before, that, but that's an estimate, anyways!) (HMB lists other works, but it seems no further than op.13, suggesting offhand a possible fl. date of 1882 (though this can be contradicted by other evidence, e.g. copyright extensions by the composer - himself - at later dates); suggesting either a fallow period of music composition or that he was indeed as you say a different person than the playwright...)


Is it certain that they're different people? (People who both wrote plays, libretti, played piano, composed piano works, etc. - extended themselves a lot but still... well... while not commonly encountered, not unknown; still, maybe there's evidence against...)


I am not certain that they are different people, but the small amount I have read about the playwright, does not indicate he composed.

My sight reading skills are reasonably feeble, but I am prepared to believe it was composed in the 1880's.

Unusually, this is not included in Giles Enders website.

I remain mystified.



Well, yes, 1882 was the publication date, far as I know (unless some other source mentions something even earlier for publication, or for performance, or...- and I know I've found also but only also a mention of a 1882 performance, I think). If the score doesn't have composition date on it, that's usually what one puts up there- so it probably doesn't imply additional knowledge of composition date. I think.


The BL holding gives us 1882 as well, but does not tell us birth and death dates for the composer.



According to the music department at the Zentralbibliothek in Zurich (and the sources indicated there), the playwright and the composer are one and the same:] Clicking on Nachlassverzeichnis will lead to a pdf of the works held in Zurich.


Well done that man. Thanks very much.




Ah, so there are later works- a suite, a 3rd piano concerto, a violin concerto - will see if I can maybe find any mention of their performance anywhere, then, now I  know they exist. I thought that his having seeming to have ceased to composed by 1882 seemed odd, but I guess his compositions just were no longer published after that, or maybe those publications are lost (don't know, did what happened to Junne and to Tischer&Jagenberg also happen to whoever had possession of Trautwein's plates...)

Mark Thomas

A very neat piece of sleuthing. As Zurich has a First and Third Piano Concerto, at some stage at least there was a Second, too.


I only know of Jacoby because his piano concerto is in the British Library along with some lieder.  There is no further information about him there.