Five French Unsungs on Swiss Radio (Cinq romantiques français méconnus)

Started by Wheesht, Thursday 31 October 2013, 20:23

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Pianist Laurent Martin can be heard this week on Swiss French radio in a series of programmes where he mostly talks about, but also plays music by five French unsungs: Pauline Viardot (1821- 1910), Mel Bonis (1858 - 1937), Fernand de la Tombelle (1854 - 1928), Blanche Selva (1884 - 1942) and Théodore Gouvy (1819 - 1898). I am not sure how long this will be available for - but here in the German speaking part of Switzerland at least the broadcasts can be downloaded, starting with 28 October: []


Was interested to see two new recordings of La Tombelle's music recently reviewed; before that I'd only seen his music in digitized scores that look interesting...