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Boughton 3

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 13 May 2010, 09:26

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Alan Howe

Having inexplicably missed out up to now on Boughton 3, I have just discovered this wonderfully vigorous, masterfully orchestrated and highly tuneful work. It is, of course, much influenced by Elgar's sound-world, but who cares? Another piece which would have a Proms audience on its feet, I suspect...


An impressive work,but I must  admit a preference for his Second Symphony,(Deirdre,a Celtic Symphony). I feel it has more of the odd,and strangely elusive quality,which defines his best work.
I have the BBC Radio Classics cd of the Edward Downes performance,(coupled with his third),which I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone unfamiliar with the work. While not exactly state of the art,the sound quality is pretty good,and Downes,as we all know, was a very fine,if underated conductor. The cd has been deleted for quite a while now,but is well worth buying if you can get it at a decent price,(not too high at the moment,judging by a quick scan of Amazon). I really am suprised that such a lovely work has yet to receive a commercial recording!
   I look forward to the Dutton cd,and 'The Queen of Cornwall',when it finally emerges on cd. Hopefully,we won't have to wait too much longer. Unforseen astronomically high bills aside,this will almost certainly be a pre-order;as will the Dutton cd. Boughton really does deserve far more attention from the cd companies,than he gets. Maybe,one day,we might even get to hear part of his Arthurian cycle of Music Dramas (1908-1945)!

NB:  Incidentally,while I was looking at the prices of the BBC Radio Classics cds on Amazon,I bought the Edward Downes recording of Bantock's 'Pagan Symphony',coupled with Bax's 'Tintagel',and 'Northern Ballads' No's 2 & 3. I prefer the couplings to those on the Hyperion cd.They seem better matched,in terms of mood and atmosphere. I like Bantock,but 'Fifine at the Fair' was never one of my favourites!


A little off topic,I suppose,but just in case anyone who stumbles on this post,IS interested in the BBC Radio Classics cd of the Edward Downes Bantock's 'Pagan Symphony'. I have only just received this cd,and,I am pleased to report that it is,indeed.a very interesting contrast to Handley's performance. Edward Downes performance as a whole seems more relaxed,less rushed than Handley's, particularly in the 'Dance of the Satyr's'; that curious,and very striking, percussion climax. Downes ,arguably, gives the symphony more space to breathe,like Bryden Thomson in the Bax symphonies,whose interpretations,some Baxian's,myself included, actually prefer,thus,allowing Bantock's gorgeous,be-jewelled orchestration more time to show off it's luxuriant colours. The couplings are also better matched in terms of mood and atmosphere,even if they aren't by Bax. 'Fifine' just didn't seem to fit in for me,and I actually avoided playing the Handley cd because of this. (And yes, I do know about the programme button,but I don't always want to have to use it!).
   So,all in all an interpretation well worth seeking out,and one that will,hopefully, be re-released on cd at some point. Maybe,we might even get to hear another recording,one day. Oh,and the sound quality's pretty good too!


Correction: Line 6,SHOULD read,'even if they aren't by Bantock'!!!!! (Dear me!).