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Loeffler from Dutton

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 28 November 2014, 18:48

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chill319 .... where's this quote from? What exactly is it that you are responding to? Are you sure this is the correct thread?  ???

Alan Howe

Colin - it's a quote from Eric's message of 9th February, 22:08.


Ah, thanks Alan. How odd that when I searched the thread for Dvorak, Eric's message didn't appear...


maybe the search hicccoughed on the "'s" and if you did a search for "Dvorak's" it would've turned out differently? Or else it doesn't catch too-recent contributions (it has to index things first?) Just throwing out guesses.

Anyone have a clue where Loeffler's mss are and whether more are being put in performable shape for future recordings? :)


Eric - you are probably already fully aware of this, but Elise Fay donated his mss. to the LoC. See: