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Rimsky-Korsakov Piano Trio

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 27 January 2014, 22:13

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Alan Howe

I had no idea that R-K wrote a large-scale Piano Trio. Does anyone know it?


Alan, is this the Piano Trio in C minor? If so, I have an mp3 of the version featuring David Oistrakh, from a mono Melodiya/Westminster LP. But I haven't listened to it for a long time....


Being a huge R-K, I of course have it. It's a nice piece, though not top tier or anything -- as far as R-K's chamber music, the Quintet for Piano and Winds is much more worthwhile.
FWIW I own the recording on Chandos coupled with an arrangement of Pictures at an Exhibition.

Alan Howe

I've already gone and ordered it! Thanks, Colin.


I have  a Melodiya Cd (1986 recording, Moscow Trio), but it is a long time I do't hear it (it is -slightly oddly- coupled with "Echo" solo violin Sonata by Rodion Schedrin, a 1984 work).


Coupled with the Shchedrin violin sonata :o - that really is an odd choice! The later issue has it coupled with the unfinished Borodin piano trio.