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Weingartner songs

Started by eschiss1, Monday 06 January 2014, 03:40

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From late last year or early this, another new recording of music by Felix Weingartner, 30 songs (lieder & gesänge) (With Ulrike Fulde, soprano; Manja Raschka, mezzo; Andreas Fischer, tenor; Felix Plock, baritone; and Stefan Burkhardt, piano. Includes world premiere recordings) on the Querstand label (combining descriptions @ MDT and Worldcat. See eg MDT.)


On the topic of Weingartner I just received a new recording from RR. He apparently orchestrated a minor work of Bizet called Variations Chromatiques, something which was totally new to me. The work is 14 minutes in one movement.


The Weingatner-Bizet Variations appeared (if I remember rightly) in an old LP of the Louisville Orchestra (maybe coupled to Guiraud Chasse Fantasque - or Fantastique: I never saw that LP).
The Bizet Variations for piano may be minor, but they were brought to celebrity by the recording by Glenn Gould (who ranked high the work).

Mark Thomas

The Weingartner-Bizet was coupled with Moszkowski's Suite No.3, a march by Napravnik and Reger's Comedy Overture, I think, whilst the Guiraud was coupled with the Moszkowski Violin Concerto on another release. I had both LPs. The Louisville series was a wonderful treasure trove.

Alan Howe

Reger's Comedy Overture? An oxymoron, surely...

Mark Thomas


Quote from: Alan Howe on Sunday 19 January 2014, 14:37
Reger's Comedy Overture? An oxymoron, surely...
And it contains a thorough teutonic fugue as well...  ;D

Mark Thomas


My favourite concert programme misprint:

Reger: Variations & Fugue on a Merry Theme of Hitler Op.100


Ouch!  :o

A while ago the German composer and blogger Alexander Strauch wrote this satire about the newly discovered musical works of Hitler:
Sorry, it's in German.
A pupil of Reznicek (who btw wrote another Lustspielouvertüre) he wrote an atonal 3rd String Quartet, 5 Symphonies.
Thielemann and Barenboim are going to perform and record the works.
Well, I'd better stop...
The comments weren't favourable at all.


Actually, in his youth Hitler did start to compose an opera based on Wagner's draft of Wieland der Schmeid.

For more details go to

It's probably just juvenile trivia, it's not like he wanted to conquer the world or anything...


I expect Reger took Lustspielouvertüre somewhat literally; overture to a comedy, not overture full of comedy. (And not every comedy musical today begins with a prelude full of slapstick gestures either...
though I find the closing movements of some of Reger's chamber works amusing enough in their lowkey way. ... *shrug*

Weingartner arranged quite a number of works and edited a lot of Berlioz (speaking of "slapstick" tubas...)


Hmmm :) ... but we do seem to have strayed somewhat from Weingartner songs!


Alas, I should know better I guess, as the Genesius of this thread...


I recently attended a private recital of some of these songs and for me they were quite a revelation.  Now must buy the CD.  I rarely buy Cd's of songs.