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Do any composers share my birthday?

Started by John H White, Wednesday 05 February 2014, 12:07

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John H White

Now that today I've reached my 83rd milestone and I note that I've just been promoted to senior membership of this  august forum, I'm wondering if, (a) I'm the oldest member and (b) there are any composers who were born on the 5th of February.

Mark Thomas


Congratulations indeed and to Alan Rawsthorne who would have been 109 today.


PS. My Clifford Essex Paravox plectrum banjo is 84 years old, but not yet a member of this forum, so you might well be the oldest.


This site allows one to look up composers using several criteria including birthdate, however, don't see any others on Feb 5, they need to know about you, John!

Alan Howe


Yes, happy birthday.   I thought perhaps I was the oldest, having turned 78 on January 20th but I guess I'm just a kid...... 8)



There are a few, though the only one relevant to here is Ole Bull, who was more known as a violinist.

John H White

Many thanks, gentlemen, for your kind thoughts and suggestions. Looking up Classicat, there seem to be quite a lot of our unsungs unlisted there. Maybe someone from this forum could provide them with some updates.



Ah, John - how marvellous!  :) :) 
I wish you many more birthdays to come, and hope they will be full of music.

Derek Hughes

Apart from Ole Bull, I can't find any other composers of the Romantic period who were born on 5 February. A very substantial later composer is Grażyna Bacewicz (1909). Others, courtesy of Wikipedia, are

1534 – Giovanni de' Bardi
1594 – Biagio Marini
1748 – Christian Gottlob Neefe
1929 – Luc Ferrari


Well, I share my birthday with Arnold Schoenberg, Clara (Wieck-) Schumann (also Mel Tormé; and, I see, also with the recently deceased Robert Ward, and with Maurice Jarre...)

Also, to Hugh Brooksbank (9/13/1854-4/28/94), and David Everard Ford (9/13/1797-10/23/1875) (composer-organists.)


(erm. "oldest member", say?... wait. are we talking music or golf/Wodehouse? Have to remember which conversational track, here...)