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Unrecorded? orchestral Widor?

Started by eschiss1, Monday 24 February 2014, 20:15

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Besides the violin concerto if it exists*, have there been recordings of his Walpurgis Night (Op.60 (p.1908)) , Ouverture espagnole , Introduction & Rondo for clarinet & orchestra Op.72 (I see the clarinet & piano version is recorded), choral & variations for harp & orchestra , ... oh... wait- squirrel... no, seriously, are there?

*Oh wait- here it is! 1894 autograph of the violin concerto, at BNF. Yay!!

Gareth Vaughan

Well sleuthed, Eric! Excellent news. Now all we need is to SEE IT!!!
As to your question, I am not aware that any of the pieces you mention has received a commercial recording yet. I languish to hear them.


Without knowing a note of the concerto, I can imagine it make a good coupling for the Dubois Concerto should Hyperion's series ever incline that way.  The current Dubois on disc is a bit rough and ready...



Did Widor actually make an orchestral version of the Introduction & Rondo? That's actually a pretty popular recital piece -- actually I heard of Widor from that before I ever heard of any organ symphonies.
IMSLP doesn't make note of anything but the clarinet and piano version at least.


I think BNF has an orchestral version of the introduction & rondo, but you're right, it might not be by Widor... it was composed in 1898 and orchestrated as late as 1935 (see BNF catalogue listing (still, Widor died in 1937, so it _might_ be by Widor...))

(" Daté à la fin : "8 juin 35". - Orchestration d'une oeuvre pr. clar. et piano parue en 1898. - Il y a une p. 14 bis. - Collettes. - Indic. au crayon. - Ms. ayant servi à la gravure")


Widor composed also an impressive "Symphonie Antique" with final chorus (Te Deum) op. 83 for Orchestra and Organ. This is available on the MOTETTE Label CD 40181.