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Bowen chamber works

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 01 March 2014, 19:11

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Erm - too recent? Anyhow, York Bowen chamber works on Chandos - here.

Alan Howe


Glad to see it. Bowen deserves much more than this. He had a gift for whatever he put his pen to. How I wish we could recover his 3rd Symphony (radio broadcasts exist), or his 4th (presumed to exist, but misplaced).


Seconded, minacciosa.  That 3rd symphony is so near, yet so far.  What keen pair of ears will puzzle out a transcription?



It can be done, but it's a LOT of work. Someone would need a grant, for it would be a full-time job.


I recall speaking with a friend who has done so for a composer relative's music that was being recorded on the basis of a vocal score, a film soundtrack (to help prepare a score for a film suite (at least) reconstruction recording when the original full score no longer existed or at least was lost) and yes, as one would predict that's very difficult work. (I forget- is there a reduction existing of the Bowen or is all that remains a few broadcasts, sound artifacts?...)