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Alfred Hill downloads

Started by minacciosa, Wednesday 12 March 2014, 21:14

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I wanted to download these, but I got a media fire error. Any chance they could be reinstated?

Mark Thomas

The straight answer is that I don't know. Leave it with me, please.

Mark Thomas

Well, it looks as if MediaFire has wiped all the files that I had stored there, which was all of my uploads for UC members. I will get in touch with the support team and see if this can be put right, but in the meantime I'm sorry to say that anything in UC's Download and Archive/Download boards which I had uploaded isn't now available - at least for the time being.

It's all a bit of a pain, really...


ack, all of your Mediafile storage? That is a pain and a half. Sympathies.

Mark Thomas

Indeed. Thanks for the sympathy, Eric. I've lost nothing personally, thank heavens, as I have copies of it all elsewhere, but everything which I'd made available for download at UC was stored there, and it's way too much to re-upload and re-link. So, unless MediaFire manage to restore the files (and what are the chances of that, do you think?), then it's all lost to UC. So much for relying on the cloud!


So sorry to hear of this. Such an aggravation for you! I hope it can be put right, and not only for Alfred Hill's sake.


Dear me, this is a great pity.   :(

I know members will be happy to upload material previously stored here, if required, but I do hope they can be reinstated.

Do keep us informed of progress, Mark.

Mark Thomas

I am getting stonewalled by MediaFire's "customer support". They haven't conceded yet that all the files are lost, but neither have they been reinstated and they haven't offered an explanation other than speculating that I might have deleted them by mistake! As my last  logged visit there preceded the files' disappearance by several weeks, I don't know how the think I might have achieved that! I live in hope - but not much...