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The ultimate over-the-top PC?

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 28 March 2014, 18:14

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Alan Howe

...may be that in B minor (1918/24) by the Romanian Paul Richter (1875-1950):
Maybe less is more after all. It's like a hippo wallowing in chocolate...


we (used to?) have not only that but some of his symphonies in the uploads/downloads section, I believe, I would guess it might be the same recording?... anyhow, yes, good and interesting composer and thanks :)


Well I like it....I'd certainly buy a CD with that piece.

Alan Howe

I like it too. It's just very full-on.


Try the Djabadary Piano Concerto for sheer bombast!

Alan Howe

It must have been the right day for a wallow today. Richter's PC is incredible - can't imagine why it hasn't been done in, say, Hyperion's RPC series.


Here is why this forum is so important to me. The mention of the Paul Richter Piano Concerto sparked my curiosity and I wondered if that download derived from a commercial recording that I had missed in my discography research. Sure enough, there it was on an LP. Here is the data:


Piano Concerto in B minor, Op.58 (1918-20)

Adrian Stoica (piano)/Ilarion Ionescu-Galati/"Moldova" Philharmonic Orchestra, Iasi
(+ Variations for Piano and Orchestra)
ELECTRECORD – ST-ECE 03788 (LP) (1990) 

So, thanks Alan and company.


Alan Howe



 Paul Richter doesn't seem to have a wiki page. Do we have a possible list of works?


As an LP lover, I've seen the Richter PC on Ebay a few times, but the condition has always looked questionable. I keep hoping I'll run across someone who is abandoning their vinyl collection and has a copy in mint condition needing a new home.

On that same LP is also Richter's Variations for Piano and Orchestra.


FBerwald: I -think- I saw a book about Paul Wilhelm Richter listed @ Worldcat (one wants to distinguish him from e.g. Jean Paul Richter of an earlier time ;) ) - that book may have such a list, will see if I can get ahold of it.

But if by Wikipedia you mean Wikipedia in general, not English-Wikipedia, there's certainly this which I think you missed, and no rules at all against translating it (well and with credit!) to a new article on the English Wikipedia- there are many examples of this being done to jump-start new articles between Wikis.


Both the concerto and the variations are available for a listen on YouTube.



the burning question in my mind Alan is this: What is the difference between a hippo wallowing in mud instead of chocolate?
