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Marie Jaell 1846 -1925

Started by giles.enders, Tuesday 01 April 2014, 11:29

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Marie Trautmann-Jaell  Born Steinseltz, Alsace  17.8.1846  -  Died Paris  4.2.1925

Born Marie Trautmann, in 1866 she married the pianist Alfred Jaell.

She was first taught piano by Benjamin Hamma in Stuttgart and then with Heinrich Herz at The Paris Conservatoire.  At the age of sixteen she won the First Prize for piano at the Conservatoire.  From the time of her marriage she and her husband toured Europe as pianists.  During the 1870's she received composition lessons from Camille Saint-Saens.  Her husband Alfred died in 1881 and from 1883 she helped Franz Liszt, who was an old friend with his correspondence until his death.  Her Valses for piano, four hands Op.8 were premiered by Liszt and Saint-Saens in 1878, which may be regarded as the high esteem in which she was held by them.  Liszt went on to compose some variations based on them. From the late 1890's she began to suffer from tendinitis which somewhat curtailed her concertising though as late as 1904 she performed the entire body of Robert Schumann's piano works.  Many of her compositions including the two piano concertos have been recorded.


Piano Concerto in D minor  1877  dedicated to Camille Saint-Saens
Piano Concerto in C minor  1884  dedicated to Eugene d'Albert  pub. by P A O'Kelly, Paris
Cello Concerto in D minor  1882
'En Route'
'Harmonies d'Alsace' for orchestra  1917


Piano Trio
Dans un reve for piano, violin and cello
Sonata for violin and piano  1881
Romance for violin and piano  1875   pub. by Broudus & Cie 
Sonata for cello and piano
String Quartet 1875
String Quartet in G minor  1876


La Babillarde - allegro for piano   pub. by Heugel
Ce qu'on entende dans l'Enfer le Purgatoire et le Paridis - large work for piano consisting of eighteen pieces in three sections.
Deux Meditations  pub. by Rieter
Six petit morceaux   pub. by Breitkopf & Hartel
Six Esquisses:  1.Les Ombres (The Shadows), 2. Toccata, 3. Matamorphoses, 4. Fantasca, 5. Contraste, 6. Le Tournoi.
Promenade Matinale: Aubade, Dans le doute, Essaim de mouches in A flat major, Entraiment.  1893   pub. by Paul Dupont
Sonata - Lento, allegro mon troppo, adagio, tempo di minuetto, allegro.
Ten Bagatelles: Moderato, Allegro, Lento, Vivacissimo, Andante, Tempo di minuetto, Andantino con motto, Tempo Guisto, Adagio, Allegro.
Impromptu  in A minor  1867  pub. by Frederic Hofmeister
Fairy Tale
Grey Butterflies
The Hunters
Les Beaux Jours  1894  (small pieces)  pub. by Heugel
Les Jours Pluvieux  1894  (small pieces)
Little Imps
Little Singing Waltz
'Sphinx' dedicated to Saint-Saens  1885
Twelve Valses and finale for piano, four hands  Op.8  1878    pub. by E Gerard & Cie
Voix de Printemps, Six pieces for piano, four hands: 1. Sur la grande route, 2. Dans le senitier, 3. L'orange, 4. Idylle, 5. Nuit de Mai, 6. Plein Jour.  1886  pub. by Raabe & Plothow, Berlin


'Les Orientales'  1893
'La Legende des Ours' for soprano and piano
'Ossiane' for voice and piano
'Sur la tombe d'un enfant' for chorus and orchestra
Five lieder for soloist and piano   pub. by Schott
Four lieder for soloist and piano
Joeu for voice & piano  1893   pub. by Paul Dupont
La Mer  1893
Barenlieder for soprano and orchestra
Goetherlieder for soprano and orchestra
Am Grabe eines Kindes for chorus and orchestra
Psalm LXV for choir in four parts. - dedicated to Alfred Jaell  1870   pub. by Raab & Plothow


Both piano concertos, the cello sonata as well as piano pieces are available on youtube. Search for Marie Jaell.


well, the piano concertos at least are on this site too (probably were here before they were on YouTube, at a guess.)