William George Cusins (1833-1893)

Started by pcc, Saturday 28 June 2014, 14:02

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Alan Howe

QuoteWe aren't straying that far from Cusins

Maybe not. But let's keep to Cusins here and - as Mark indicated - start a new thread for Barnett or Bache.


I think my last post mentioned Cusins five times and requested more information. I believe that's "sticking to him".  If you have some new information or observations on what has been written thus far I'd be glad to read them. That's why I wrote in the first place.  Reposting my decontexted quote was, to be courteous, surprising.

Alan Howe

Nevertheless, in the view of the moderators, the thread at several points was clearly wandering off-topic. So, please stick with Cusins rather than attaching discussion of the music of other composers. That belongs in another thread.


This was Sir Walter Parratt's predecessor as Master of the Queen's Musick, I take it? I would be interested to hear anything: a few years ago I tried to track down any music by any of the holders of this title, but he and a few others eluded me.


I mentioned earlier that several Cusins pieces are downloadable through the Bodleian's sheet music website, and there are several of his songs on IMSLP.

All statements herein are verified by Dewey Cheetham & Howe, solicitors.

Alan Howe

Thanks for that.

Do you mean Cheatem? Do spell it right!
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