Howells Works for Violin & Piano

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 22 May 2014, 23:22

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Alan Howe


That -is- interesting; I've heard the 3 numbered sonatas, which I quite like- but didn't know of the others. Thanks!!

Alan Howe

The early B minor Sonata turns out to be an incredibly beautiful work - and marvellously played on this EM Records set by Rupert Marshall-Luck and Matthew Rickard. What it lacks, I think, is true melodic memorability, but it is certainly not wanting in ambition - nor genuine achievement. I am enjoying it immensely. I'd characterise it as Elgarian, but as yet without the senior composer's capacity to produce music that is utterly unforgettable.
Thanks go to Rupert and Matthew for this marvellous recording. Can't wait for Rupert's recording of Stanford and Milford...