Herzogenberg Requiem Op.72 & Totenfeier

Started by JeremyMHolmes, Wednesday 07 May 2014, 13:04

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Alan Howe

Totenfeier is a pretty austere work - powerful, but certainly not an easy listen. It was apparently written in the wake of the death of the composer's wife and it has a sense of numbed grief about it. I imagine it would be make a deep impression if heard live: evidently Grieg was moved on hearing the piece in Dessau. The idiom is a sort of mélange of Brahms and Bach.


My Herzogenberg collection groweth again!  If CPO keeps going I may some day need a dedicated shelf.  That would be wonderful!

(Unfortunately this Requiem isn't released in the 'States yet, but it will be.  Takes a few months.)

Meanwhile, thank you for the heads-up Mr. Howe, I shall bide my time by replaying everything I already have.   


8th July.  That's the date of the release in the US (per Amazon).  But we can pre-order....