Bartók Piano Quartet in C minor (1898)

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 13 February 2017, 21:06

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Alan Howe

...forthcoming from RCA:
...seems this early work was thought lost, but subsequently found and put together from the composer's manuscript.

Gareth Vaughan

The soundbites are very enticing indeed, I must say.


Strange, I have a recording of the piece by Imre Rohmann and members of the Kodaly Quartet which was broadcast in 2006. I cannot find details about this recording but to my ears it doesn't sound like a live performance. It was broadcast as part of WDR 3 Klassik-Forum which concentrates on broadcasting commercial recordings. It lasts about 26 minutes. The same week Bartok's early F major String Quartet was broadcast by the same performers,too. Any ideas about this recording?

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

It doesn't seem to have circulated in "the usual channels" and isn't on YouTube. The extracts are seductive, though.