Reznicek Symphonies 3 & 4 from cpo

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 20 June 2014, 18:57

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Alan Howe

Symphony No.3 is a lovely, relaxed piece "In the old style" - i.e a deliberate, contemporary take on classical models. A perfect accompaniment to a sunny summer's afternoon - especially the quasi-Mendelssohnian finale (think Italian Symphony). Wonderful. More on the very different No.4 when I've given it a proper listen.

Mark Thomas

Thanks, Alan. Definitely one for the shopping list.


I think these two were also recorded on Koch Schwann under a late conductor much dedicated to the composer's "cause" (as it were) I think (and who performed several more of them on a tape that's circulated)? Or - I may be confused? Anyway I haven't heard the other recording but would still be interested to hear how they contrast.

Mark Thomas

That's right, Eric: Gordon Wright conducted the Philharmonia Hungarica for Koch Schwann. I have a copy, but it's long since deleted.

Alan Howe

No.4 is equally glorious, but very different. Much more serious - although the composer's sense of irony occasionally pokes through. Must listen again tomorrow...

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