Speaking of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia

Started by eschiss1, Sunday 29 June 2014, 13:22

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(I was, briefly, noticing that his piano and orchestra rondo was being broadcast on Radio Swiss Classic on Monday)- Liszt's Elegy on Motifs of his is being broadcast there (Howard's 1989 recording, Hyperion) in a few minutes (today). I think I -may- have heard of that Elegy but hadn't figured out the connection if so, even though I'd seen a couple of pieces by Louis Ferdinand (@IMSLP, which seems to be back for the time being, last I checked.) ...

Oh- now that I check the dates, 1772-1806, ... oh. Erm. Whoops. The Liszt (and any other hommages) is/are appropriate, the composer, I'm guessing, probably not so much so (for this forum) except insofar as he shows proto-Romantic traits, had influence, etc. Any opinions as to that?... otherwise, apologies, just my curiosity acting up a bit too much.


There is a great 5-CD box with Louis Ferdinand's complete works on THOROFON, Cat. No. CTH 2251/5 - higly recommendable! Its liner notes are comprehensive and detailed. Ferdinand was acquainted with Beethoven, who admired him and dedicated him his 3rd Piano Concerto. He can be considered an early Romantic, also due to the fact that his artistic concern was to express feelings, rather than display musical form and techniques.