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Unsung Clarinet Works

Started by SadRobotSings, Thursday 10 July 2014, 02:54

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Already forgetting if I mentioned (sigh...sorry!... ah, I did list something similar in another post, but this is more general with less emphasis on "sonata"...) but some of the items in the list of items on IMSLP tagged as being for clarinet and piano (or alternately-for-clarinet-and-piano) may be worth a look too, though there's 225 of them right now, and some, like Ries' Op.169, have already been mentioned. (There's also Holbrooke's Andante & Presto Op.6/2, I see, etc.)


Quote from: semloh on Monday 04 August 2014, 08:28
The original request from SadRobotSings was for suggestions for a work featuring clarinet and piano, and since it refers to two sonatas, I had the impression it was for these two instruments only. I may be wrong, but if that's the case, I don't think we've been particularly helpful.

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess.

And the Saint-Saens Tarentelle, Op. 6 is for flute, clarinet and orchestra/piano.

Alan Howe

Actually, semloh is right. The thread hasn't always responded to the original request. Mea culpa - apologies!


This has all been super helpful, I appreciate everybody's input! I don't think I'll be playing chamber music on my recitals, but I always love learning about new pieces. For those of you who are also interested in clarinet music, Algernon Ashton wrote a 4 min Tarantella for clarinet and piano that is really quite nice. Colin Bradbury has recorded it, and I recently put it up on IMSLP. Worth recommending to other clarinetists I think, well written and very effective!


Yes, TerraEpon, quite correct about the Saint-Saens Tarantella.  The Nash Ensemble's recording features flute, clarinet & piano.
However, hopefully, the suggestions have been useful.