The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 63 – Godard

Started by Christianv12, Friday 11 April 2014, 12:51

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Alan Howe


I agree with Alan, so for me it is the lightness of handling I prefer on the Dutton set. There appears to be something rather "elusive" when performing French music that doesn't quite seem to be quite the same when performing German music. Maybe it helps when the performers have been more involved in French music in the way Yates has and I believe Sangiorgio too. I say that with some trepidation because I think that both hose performers are so able in a variety of repertoire and I am sure they would hate to think of themselves as better at one style of music than an other! If they read these offence meant boys!


None taken! I do agree with the lightness part, but I feel that the Shelley's version has a certain something [sorry ... I can't find the right word!] a sort of "feroce" perhaps!


I'm wondering why no key is given for the 2nd concerto?  IMSLP has the score and it's in G minor.

Alan Howe

QuoteI'm wondering why no key is given for the 2nd concerto

The Hyperion release gives the correct key on the reverse of the booklet; the Dutton gives the key within the notes themselves.