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Husum Collection

Started by thalbergmad, Tuesday 12 August 2014, 19:11

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Regretfully (as I am now going to have to buy it), it has been pointed out to me that one can purchase the entire Husum collection of 25 CD's for under 150 quids.

Not all romantic, but romanticism is strongly represented.


Alan Howe


I can't find a tracklist for the whole collection, you have to look up each individual CD which is a bit of a bore.


Alan Howe

Any unsung highlights that particularly attracted you?


However try Husum Piano Festival, the homepage of the festival itself, and Danacord Husum Collection Page for a little more info, anyways...

I haven't heard these discs so can't comment on the playing.  There are substantial sound samples at the Danacord site, however (e.g. a Ciurlionis prelude played by Jean Dubé from the 2002 festival here, a Stephen Heller Freischütz-study from the 2010 festival here (a CD that also has preludes by Boris Pasternak. Hrm. Was just looking over an issue of Tempo magazine from the 1970s (acquired at a booksale), that has an article on Pasternak-as-composer- with that same G-sharp minor prelude- excerpted? copied in full in manuscript?- into the magazine...- will have to check again.- played by Eldar Nebolsin on the CD.)


A few of them are reviewed here and you can view the tracklists.

I already have the 2 ones that contain Thalberg and the one with Grunfeld. I have yet to be disappointed.


Alan Howe

Plenty of interesting unsung stuff there. Thanks for the info.


Please excuse the almost two-year delay in responding to this queue, but I have just discovered this list. I have been collecting the Husum collection since the beginning, and I have all of the disks in their separate releases. There is an extremely wide variety of music, the only things they have in common are that they are for piano (originally or via transcription) and that they are considered "Raritäten". Almost all of the pianists are top-class (Marc-André Hamelin, for example), and their choices of repertoire is always fascinating, if not consistently of to-die-for quality. The disks are very well recorded (the acoustics of the Rittersaal in the Schloß vor Husum are outstanding), and the only problem I've ever had with them is that the entire week of recitals is not (cannot) be included. Those of you in Europe close to this North German town should seriously consider attending. I recommend the disks very highly.