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Jules de Swert (1843-1891)

Started by Wheesht, Monday 11 August 2014, 15:08

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Ever on the lookout for yet more romantic cello usic, I have come across the name of Jules de Swert (also Deswert), who appears to have been mentioned only once on UC.
I wonder what chances I have to hear a recording of his music one day...

Being a cellist, he wrote for his own instrument of course, but also there are also three operas: "Die Albigenser" (1878), and "Der Graf von Hammerstein" as well as "Piccolino" (1890).
Interestingly enough, the Study Centre for Flemish Music [SVM] lists one of the two latter operas in its biography of De Swert and the other under "historische teksten".:

The Austrian National Library has scores of cello concertos and of "Die Albigenser" as well as a letter by De Swert. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek BS in Munich has 10 letters by him.

Here is another article about him:


6 works of his here, and a Dutch Wikipedia article here (a translation program will probably prove helpful there for me too...)