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Scarlatti - San Filippo Neri

Started by CrazyCello, Sunday 13 June 2010, 13:08

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Brilliant Classics

Alessandro Scarlatti: San Filippo Neri

Rosita Frisani
Manuela Custer
Marco Lazzara
Mario Nuovoli

Alessandro Stradella Consort/Estevan Verlardi

This has just been released to join the ever growing collection of Scarlatti oratorio recordings. It always suprises me that new recordings of his oratorios are made while to my knowledge the only opera recorded is that vile story Griselda. However this is the first Scarlatti oratorio of it's type (saint biography) to be recorded and may make a good compliment to Bononcini's San Nicola di Bari which was released on Ramee recently.

I'm not familiar with the band or singers, they seem to have only released a couple of recordings, all Stradella/Scarlatti oratorios. Does anyone else have any information or strong opinions about them? I'm tentative about buying a new recording on the weight of it being a premier recording without knowing anything about the performance.

Alan Howe

Sorry - this thread is beyond the remit of this forum. Or actually, way before it!!


I didn't realise there was a temporal restriction... shall I remove it? Or are the historical borders subject to expansion from time to time?

Alan Howe

Our remit is roughly late-Classical to the broadly tonal music of the modern era. Thus Eberl is in (just about), but A. Scarlatti is out...


You know, I just noticed something.  Unlike the old Raff Forum there is no blurb informing prospective members that our field of interest is, basically, the Romantic period or style.  At least I didn't notice it on the Home page.  Perhaps we could add it in so newbies will know what they're getting into.  I think we may have turned poor Crazycello off!


Not turned off - my account was deleted shortly after posting this thread. I'm not exactly sure why, unless it was for breaking forum rules by exceeding the remit of the forum?

However as you pointed out there was no information at all when I signed up about posts regarding non-romantic era composers. However I'm not sure I have much to contribute if this is the case, and I feel a little awkward re-signing up after my account deletion so I think it probably is best if I say farewell at this point.  :)


Well, it was an honest mistake.  I'm pretty sure your account deletion was one too.  Pay a visit now and then.  Reactivate your account if you feel you have something to say. 

Alan Howe

Our blurb reads:

General discussion about Unsung Composers of the romantic era and their music

This applies to New Recordings as well as the Composers and Music section.

No account is ever officially terminated without prior discussion with the member concerned (except in cases of deliberate cyber-interference which, sadly, are all-too common). Please, therefore, do re-join us, CrazyCello and continue the debate - especially as you have a lot to say about the late-Classical period...