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Gernsheim on Toccata!

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 26 August 2009, 20:37

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especially good news, I think (though I've only seen the quintets in score, not heard them, so far.) thanks!


I think I could be convinced to contribute, say, $5000 toward an appealing project that might otherwise never get recorded.....would that help us start a fund?



*puts in a mild, -not- an insistent, request that the various people at Toccata - Mr. Anderson and others - update the website as time permits - the upcoming projects parts, at least; it would be great to know what is afoot now :) * Never mind, never mind. They have done!


Apologies. Just noticed that one movement from this CD (the 3rd movement of the 1st quintet) has been included on an Allegro Sampler (insufficiently identified, but people can figure out what it is with some work) and can be downloaded for free as an mp3 from Amazon. I hope that is going to help "get out the word" (or the sound, or...) - though it would have done so better if Gernsheim's name had been included, likewise for the other composers on these albums. (The performers' names are.) Still... :)