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Robert Fuchs Preludes/Fugues

Started by Aramiarz, Saturday 29 November 2014, 16:16

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For If anyone has interest

ROBERT FUCHS (1847-1927): Preludes, Op. 34 (Books 1 and 2), Fugues, Op. 76 (Books 1 and 2).

Catalogue Number: 08P089
Label: Engel Records
Reference: no catalogue number
Format: CD
Price: $10.98

Description: This enterprising series continues with 'virtual performances', as the current jargon would have it, generated by the Sibelius notation software, of the finely crafted, thoroughly enjoyable sub-Brahmsian Romantic piano music of a composer who was in fact a friend of Brahms and teacher of several notable composers of the following generation. It should be said that this latest release offers a considerable advance in believability of piano tone over the previous discs we offered from this label. Fuchs' preludes go through the customary repertoire of Romantic gesture, with a tendency to repeated phrases, which highlights the remaining problem with the process whereby these recordings were generated; a certain mechanical consistency, similar to that of a piano roll. The fugues fare somewhat better, as one expects less interpretational whimsy in these textures. But in the absence of any other way to hear these pieces, which certainly deserve to be heard, unless you have access to the scores and a pianist of decent technique to play them, these objections may seem a little churlish. At minimum, these recordings inspire enthusiasm to keep an eye open for broadcasts or recitals that might occasionally feature this music, and should suggest to any pianist who hears them that the music is certainly worth including in their repertoire alongside the Romantic staples.