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More Herz from Hyperion

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 09 May 2015, 21:42

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Re publication date of his G minor 2nd piano concerto, Op.14: 1833, actually.
Anyhow. Offtopic- sorry...

Gareth Vaughan

Thanks for the more accurate publication date. BL catalogue data has only c.1830, and there is no date on the actual score they have. Or if there is I didn't see it.


it's possible it was first published earlier by another publisher (as I often find to have been the case, lately, having "discovered", with help, French, Nordic, Italian, Spanish, &c periodicals of some interest useful in occasionally helping establish publication dates which (periodicals) have occasionally been digitized by one place or other)


The third volume of Henri Herz's works for piano and orchestra by Hyperion seems to be already available. Perhaps I can get a copy today...
Incidentally: has anybody noticed how much Henselt, in his F minor Concerto, must have been inspired from Herz's First Concerto? The themes of the first movements are quite similar...


It's great that they have released this! But something is still missing.
Herz's 6th Piano Concerto has never been released. And this 6th Piano Concerto also features a chorus, just like Busoni did.


Far as I know, they don't intend to issue the 6th, and have said as much... according to discussion slightly earlier in this thread, the orchestral material is missing (and so, if it ever existed, is the full score.) Maybe a collection of Herz autographs will come up for auction somewhere containing this, but until then...

Gareth Vaughan

What Eric says is true, alas. There is a piano score with orchestral cues and the chorus parts, but no full score and no orchestral material of any sort. The same is true, very sadly, for the choral piano concerto by Daniel Steibelt, though here (and I stand to be corrected) the entire work is missing. Incidentally, the Herz differs from the Busoni not only in scale but in the fact that the chorus is SATB, whereas Busoni calls for a male chorus.