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Timpani label

Started by poem_of_ecstasy, Tuesday 24 February 2015, 15:17

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Hello all,

I wasn't sure where to post this, so if this is the wrong place moderators, please transfer it to the right/another place.

My youtube channel 'ollavogala' was recently taken down, containing many uploads of rare unsung composer recordings, all of them coupled with a 'scrolling score'. It was taken down by the label Timpani, after multiple copyright takedown notices by them. I've tried to contact them about this through multiple e-mail addresses, but they don't seem to respond to any.

My question is: Is there anyone here on this forum 'intimate' with one of the people of the Timpani label? To see if there may be any possibility of getting the channel back...

Titus (ollavogala)

Alan Howe

What are the copyright issues involved, please?


I uploaded a few pieces that were recorded on their label, they were of course completely in their right to take them down. The point is that everything else on my channel is now lost too!

Alan Howe

That is a pity, I admit - but if copyright has been infringed, what does one expect? It is for this reason that we do not permit the uploading of commercial recordings to UC. If UC had to be taken down due to infringement of copyright, this complaint couldn't be aired in the first place.


Thanks for the lecture Alan, really helpful. I have never made any money with the uploads, and there has been an enormous amount of work into the uploads, to synchronize the recordings with the sheet music. Just to share the music/scores with the world, and the labels actually make a profit from the uploads via the ads. Some of my uploads where into the 2-300.000 views, you can imagine they make quite some money from these.

Also, many labels simply block the video containing the music, Hyperion for example, no harm done. Timpani went out of their way to actually give my channel three copyright strikes, which effectively terminated my channel, including many (copyright free) uploads.

Gareth Vaughan

I think Timpani have been rather heavy-handed here. It's all very well being wise after the event, but what you should have done was write to them when they first complained apologising for the copyright infingement and immediately take down the offending videos. Thereafter, they would have nothing to complain of and the rest of the music could have remained on YouTube. I'm sorry your scrolling music videos have gone. I found them extremely helpful. Alas, I don't know anyone at Timpani, so I can't offer to intercede.


Well, they did not even give me the chance to take down the offending videos! Labels have asked me take down videos before, and I've always done this immediately. Rather they chose to handout the copyright strikes immediately. I e-mailed them apologies the same day, but I never heard anything back.

Which is actually why I'm writing here, as some kind of last hope of contacting them.


"I have never made any money with the uploads"-
this has nothing to do with copyright, one way or another...

Alan Howe

No lecture intended. But one can hardly be surprised...

Alan Howe

In the end, Eric is right. So: I don't think there's much point in extending the thread. If anyone can help, please do PM poem_of_ecstasy.