RARE: Franz Krežma, Reverie for Violin and Orchestra (mp3)

Started by eternalorphea, Friday 27 February 2015, 21:37

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Franz Krežma: Reverie
Link (00:02:56 - 00:09:00, duration ~ 5:56 minutes)

Pavel Berman, violin (Stradivari 'Conte di Fontana')
Croatian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra
Enrico Dindo, conductor

From Wikipedia

"Highly respected and admired by famous musicians like Giuseppe Verdi, Henry Vieuxtemps, Franz Liszt with whom he once played both as a violinist and a composer, Franjo Krežma's surviving work, after a fire at his parents' home destroyed some of his it, along with his priceless violin[11], numbers one symphony, three overtures, several marches and dances for the orchestra, some works for a strinq quartet and some pieces for the violin."

Alan Howe