Friedrich Hegar: Festive Cantata for soloists, male choir and large orchestra

Started by Wheesht, Wednesday 11 March 2015, 14:12

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Gareth Vaughan

I completely (and trenchantly) agree with Adriano about copyright on recordings and the way this is sometimes blatantly flouted on YouTube. YouTube should be held responsible in my opinion.


Yes, Wheest (and thanks Gareth!), but there are also other kind of rights, like performer's ones, which in many countries are controlled and working. Once a work/performance is published/uploaded in full (no matter which media), we conductors, soloists and orchestra players get some small percentages. This should also apply to YouTube uploads. On Radio Broadcast, in Europe one gets a fee for every minute of music which is played, no matter if it is a complete work or not. The USA, unfortunately, did not manage yet to collaborate with Switzerland. Would I get conductor's royalties from the USA, I would get quite some money, seeing alone what is being played on Radio Stations. What I get from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and France is peanuts. And since that absurd invention called "European Union", those peanuts had been reduced for some unexplicable reasons to about 1/4 what they were before. And, just as a reminder: from all those 30 CDs I conducted for Marco Polo-Naxos, no royalties depending from sales were paid by the company: most labels also respect those. Only stars get a lot of money from label royalties.