Robert Radecke Symphony etc.

Started by Wheesht, Thursday 26 March 2015, 09:09

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Mark Thomas

Somewhere I have a recording of a piano trio of Radecke's. I can't remember now where it came from, but I must look it out and give it a spin.


In another thread I reported about a performance of (the) two Radecke Piano Trios by the Trio Fontane and that they would record them for CPO in October 2014. According to their website this is to be released in 2016.

Mark Thomas

Thanks Wheesht! I see that the radio recording which I have of the first of the two piano trios (in A flat major, published ca.1868) has recently appeared on YouTube here. It's a lovely piece, and very much what you'd expect from the composer of the orchestral music. If you enjoy the Raff trios (and how couldn't you?) then you'll love this sunny work.


Thanks a lot for this YT link! This will make waiting for the CD release of the two trios easier :) I still have to wait until May to receive my copy of the orchestral music CD (the reward for contributing to the crowdfunding campaign) - as it has not been released here yet. Maybe I should not read enthusiastic reviews like yours until I too have access to the orchestral works...

Mark Thomas

Don't worry, you won't be disappointed, but it's a shame that you have to wait considering you contributed to the crowd-funding effort.

Alan Howe

I contributed, but couldn't wait! It'll make a nice Xmas present for someone...


Frankly, I'm not sure I can wait much longer... And yes, a Xmas present or b'day present is always an idea. Although not many people seem to appreciate my hunger for unsungs, there are few who will be happy to get to know a composer they have probably never heard of before. Then there are those who think they know everything worth knowing, and I sometimes enjoy surprising such people ;D


Radecke's Piano Trio is on Youtube... and very nice it is too.

Mark Thomas

... and the link to it is in my post five above yours, Mike!  ;)


I received the new CPO recording of orchestral music of Robert Radecke last week and it hasn't left the cd changer in several days. Has anyone else heard it? The Shakespeare overture is no forgotten masterwork. The Nachtstuck and Two Scherzi are interesting enough. But the symphony is a delight! It's brief and no movement outstays its welcome. And unlike a lot of other forgotten music that I've listened to, this symphony is remarkably easy for the ear to assimilate - maybe that's the problem. But the themes and form of each movement are clear cut, the harmonies have enough chromaticism to make it interesting, and the orchestration is textbook perfect. Has elements of Mendelssohn, Schumann and other influences. It's a wonderful discovery. The orchestra seems small - the strings are kind of thin in the upper register. But the winds play beautifully and the recording is clear and well-balanced. The score is on IMSLP, too bad the parts aren't! This music is well worth the outlay.


Dear Friends,

A small information regarding the "Radecke Orchestral works":
The CD won 5 diapasons (France) in June 2016 and 5 stars in the Fono Forum (Germany) in August 2016.

It's already a great result for the all production staff and we are thinking about the next recording project in 2018.
Could be a CD with orchestral works from Ferdinand Thieriot...

All the best,


Mark Thomas

That would be an extremely welcome development.

Gareth Vaughan

Alan Howe

Yes, please do go ahead and record some Thieriot. He's a very rewarding composer - and none of his orchestral music has ever been recorded (as far as I know).

Congratulations on the success with the Radecke CD - a thoroughly worthwhile project.


Agreed too re Thieriot by the way; there's a sample uploaded by the editor of one of his symphonies that's intriguing... and of course some of his orchestral music was published before he died :)