Pēteris Barisons Symphony 2 'Romantic'

Started by LateRomantic75, Wednesday 04 December 2013, 21:28

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Barisons' Symphony no. 2 Romantic is quickly making its way to the top of my list of favorite "unsung" symphonies. Though composed in 1939, it is firmly rooted in the Romantic tradition and is a breathtakingly beautiful work comparable to, say, Melartin or Atterberg in its richly romantic aesthetic.

It is a great shame Barsions died such an untimely death and that his talent is not more widely recognized. Anyone else know his music?


Somewhere I have a cassette of a Latvian Rhapsody for piano and orchestra.  But that's it.  Which is on YouTube as well as the symphony and a symphonic poem.


Alan Howe

The symphony's certainly one heck of a wallow. What I haven't yet decided is whether, like some indulgent dessert, it's all too much of a good thing...

Mark Thomas

Oh, it's definitely a self-indulgent wallow for me, Alan. Far too much of everything, but hugely enjoyable while it lasts - which is just a tad too long, needless to say.

Alan Howe


Interesting to learn that he studied with Vitols, like Lucija Garuta. Their music exists very much in the same soundworld: quite archaic for its time, but without the slightest whiff of socialist realism.

The Latvian Rhapsody should be welcome news to anyone who likes, say, Bortkiewicz's concertos as well. And carries its weight rather better than the symphony, in my view.

Mark Thomas

It's probably eight years since I last listened to Barisons' 2nd Symphony, and I had forgotten what an indulgent, but thoroughly involving and enjoyable listen it is. I'm not sure that I need to buy this CD when it's issued, but I'm most grateful for the prompt to reacquaint myself with the work.


there was also a release of vocal music a cappella with the Ave Sol  directed by Imants Kokars.  It may still be available  idk.


It's probably eight years since I last listened to Barisons' 2nd Symphony, and.....
Same here, Mark.  Better give it a fresh hearing.  ;D


Very enjoyable symphony .. another gem another unsung composer!

Alan Howe

This is a very fine performance of a stand-out 20th-century romantic symphony. Every collection should have the new Skani release.